Debian wheezy apache2 logjam fix

Debian wheezy apache2 logjam fix


a new vulnerability in Diffie-Hellman, informally referred to as ‘logjam’, has been published on

Debian Wheezy is running Apache v2.2.22 which does not support setting up the recommended individual DH key with a miminum size of 2048 using the “SSLOpenSSLConfCmd DHParameters [pemfile]” setting. That’s why I’ve manually recompiled the debian sources of Apache 2.2.22-13+deb7u4 patched with dh3072 (and optional if needed mpm-peruser support) for my i386 and amd64 platforms to fix this issue.

Thx. to Winni Neessen for publishing this nice patch:

In case you do not like to patch and compile the sources on your own you may download a copy of my compiled .deb-files:

Using “uname -m” and “dpkg –get-selections | grep apache2” you can determine which file(s) you need to download. Simply run “dpkg -i apache2*.deb” to install the files. Take care to maybe pick a hold on the packets until the Debian security team offers an official fix for this issue.

Keep secure!




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3 thoughts on “Debian wheezy apache2 logjam fix

  1. louis

    Yes !! thank you, worked also for me..
    at ssllabs, .. from A+ to B, now with this packages, back to A+
    Thank !!

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